Free Online kettlebell courseThe growth in popularity of kettlebell training around the world has exposed this great tool and its many benefits to many fitness enthusiasts, fitness professionals, and athletes. It is today practised by people of different age groups, fitness levels, and training goals. In general, here are some of the many proven benefits that kettlebell training has to offer to a practitioner:
The list could go on and you would find that there are many more benefits that kettlebell training has to offer, if you do it correctly. Yes, just like any other training tool, kettlebells too have to be done properly and regularly. Never fall for anyone who says that you can do two 10 minute sessions a week and get great results. And form is of utmost importance for both safety and performance. Unfortunately, a lot of people fall for fake and self proclaimed overnight "experts" and end up injuring themselves, and thus start to believe that kettlebell training is just a hype. This could not be further from the truth, and you should never believe it. At Fitter Strength, we wish to educate all those who wish to learn how to lift kettlebells to use it safely and effectively. Thus we are sharing this free kettlebell course, in which we will explain and demonstrate the basic kettlebell exercises that yield the highest results. Safety Before you begin training with kettlebells, ensure and maintain the following:
Learn to lift kettlebells like a Profesional and become a Certified Kettlebell Instructor! Exercises 2 Arm Swing